Meet Henni and Samuel

At Fintoil’s Hamina plant, crude tall oil is under constant watch. Henni Värri, an operator, and Samuel Luoma, a shift supervisor, keep a close eye on it from the unloading of the cargo to the loading of the final product. They monitor the production process from the control room, inspect equipment during field rounds, and eventually load the final products into trucks.

“Our job practically covers everything. We even perform small lab analyses ourselves and produce the utilities used in production, starting with steam and heat,” Luoma explains.

“A large part of the job is done at the control room terminal, where we ensure that all values remain within the correct range during production. Additionally, we inspect the equipment during field rounds and perform maintenance when needed,” Värri adds.

Skilled Teamwork

Värri and Luoma applied to work at Fintoil because of the promising future prospects.

“Good future prospects and a modern refinery attracted me to apply to Fintoil. The job description is also broader than in many other places,” Luoma says.

“I was also interested in the intriguing future possibilities here. Plus, my commute is much shorter now; I can even bike to work, which is a nice bonus,” Värri notes.

Värri and Luoma work smoothly as a team in production. The operators’ work is shift-based since production runs around the clock. Only in exceptional situations do they need additional help. Luoma and Värri work both day and night shifts, each lasting 12 hours. After four work shifts, they enjoy six days off.

“The most challenging part of the job is handling new types of exceptional situations that we can’t always resolve on our own. In those cases, we call in technicians and discuss the situation with the production managers to find a solution together,” Luoma explains.

“We have a really good work community here, and everyone gets along very well. It’s quite remarkable how well it works,” Värri reflects.

For a Greener Industry

A good and functional work community makes daily work enjoyable. Additionally, the sustainability of the product adds to the positive atmosphere.

“It feels much better knowing that you’re working on a responsible product. Even now, we’re continuously producing basis for renewable biodiesel,” Värri says.

“One reason I switched to this job was the opportunity to work in the green industry,” Luoma states.

“This job gives you a good feeling,” Värri concludes.